Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Offward and overward

by J J Cohen

2010 is a momentous year in the Cohen family life cycle: twenty years of nuptial connubuliaty accomplished in June; a becoming bar mitzvah in April; a turning six years old that same month. We have much to celebrate ... so two years ago, looking forward to these days, we booked a vacation that will take us by plane to London and by ship across the channel, along the coasts of France, Spain, Portugal, and into the Mediterranean for disembarkation in Barcelona. A once in a lifetime voyage, to be sure.

But don't worry, there is plenty for you to read while I'm gone: the discussion at Karl's post on Erkenwald and Muslims is worth your time; more thoughts on NCS are welcome; and Kathy Rowe has promised a guest post on the experiment in peer review that she carried out via SQ. So, carry on without me. I don't mind.


  1. Bon voyage to all the Cohens. May your notebooks return intact and your phones not crash as you're offloading pictures. In other words: may many of your memories be preserved inorganically.

  2. Bon voyage to the Cohen famille! Sweet and happy and safe travels to a beautiful "clan"!


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