Thursday, July 20, 2006

Inkblot #3,467

Quick, without thinking too hard . . . what does everyone see in this inkblot?


  1. ...some sort of cloaked figure that my mind is registering as something between an anthopomorphic pig and one of the Nazgul Riders in LOTR.

    Unless it's a butterfly.

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    two Jawas making out

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Rostral portion of the anterior cingulate gyrus.


  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Or, Abraham Maslow's brain making love to the cosmic potential of the human being?

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    A poodle barking at its reflection in a mirror, while standing on its hind legs.

  6. John/eleanor may be the only person I've witnessed come close to my overly-disneyfied response to that blot. I always see poodles dancing.

  7. two bulls kissing, with lips puckered almost prehensiley

    Back to work!

  8. A beautiful sunrise over the pink sand of Horseshoe Bay in Bermuda. The light has been darkened, distorted, and made blurry by too much rum the previous evening.

    Or am I projecting?

    On second thought, it DOES uncannily resemble two poodles making out with a pair of prehensile-lipped bulls while Maslow watches beneath his Nazgul cloak, thinking all the while of the Jawas who would make a much more attractive coupling. This knowledge is stored in the rostral portion of his anterior cingulate gyrus.

  9. JJC is such a showoff!


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