Friday, January 12, 2007

There Be Monsters Here

It won't please everyone, I know, but I have finally completed my syllabus and "working bibliography" for my M.A. seminar, ENG505--The Posthuman Middle Ages, and I thought I would share it with everyone here. Please feel free to send my suggestions my way for the bibliography, and any other kinds of suggestions. And yes, I know the name "Cohen" is all over the damn thing. I can't help it he's written so much on the subject!

ENG505--The Posthuman Middle Ages (Syllabus)

ENG505--The Posthuman Middle Ages (Bibliography)

Note that most of our texts come from the British Isles; obviously there are a lot of things I could have done within and across other literary traditions, but for the sake of narrowing, I decided to stay mainly within this geography. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Looks marvelous. I know you probably can't talk about how the class is going here, but whatever you're able to share about the course of discussion through the semester would be appreciated.


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