Tuesday, May 15, 2007

If elected, I promise champagne fountains at every NCS panel

Members of the New Chaucer Society will notice that I am standing for election to the NCS Board of Trustees. Reread the subject line of this post, then cast your ballot.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Ah, good to see democracy in action...

  2. Could you please also institute a policy of beautiful serving boys from Tangier? Oh wait, I think I'm in the wrong decade. And that's politically incorrect. But I still want them.

  3. The Middle Ages had no conception of democracy. Except in Iceland.

    Eileen: Tangierian serving boys included. Yes.

  4. I'm reminded of a line from Dr Johnson's "Vanity of Human Wishes"--something about septennial ale. Bring on the biennial champange fountains! You've got my vote.


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