Monday, December 03, 2007

Tis The Season, Part II

In honor of both procrastination and Eileen's Tim Spence and portable digital music players post below, I decided to try my hand--a hand, I should say, that right now has nothing to do with the Middle Ages--at a music mix using this new Boomshuffle service. The available selection's about what one would expect for this stage in their product, so I did what I could. If anyone's using dialup or other slow connections, and this embedded object is killing your ability to read the substantive posts, let me know, and I'll take this down.


  1. Very cool mix, Karl, and great website.

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Gotta love the web!!

  3. I just realized that I also need to point out here that the iPod/Book of Hours mix Betsy was aiming for, under the rubric of "The Tim Spence Experiment," cannot be what I would call an occasional mix or playlist. I make a lot of iPod and CD playlists all the time: for the gym, for driving at night around the city, for parties, for cross-country driving, for friends, etc. For the "T.S. Experiment," it took Betsy the entire summer and then some to compile this mix so as to follow the lead that the compilation or musical "book of hours" be emotionally-driven as well as tied to specific [personal] memory, so each song was chosen to capture a particular emotionally-driven, personal moment. These can be shared, of course, but are still personal, while also, by virtue of being "purchased" through iTunes and contained within an iPod, are also "corporate."


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