Saturday, November 20, 2010

NCS Portland: Panel Proposal Deadline Looms, and a Plea

by J J Cohen

Don't forget that the deadline for proposing a panel for NCS 2012 is Monday November 22. By then your mind will already be elsewhere: grading, Thanksgiving, grading, end of the semester, grading. So don't ruin Monday for your future self. Ruin a portion of the weekend instead, and send your panel proposal now.

You know that I am especially keen to have some provocative proposals on two related threads, Oceans and Ecologies. Full details here. I have some excellent proposals for each, but not enough for either. Ecologies is especially slim in its yield. I'd like 2012 to be the year remembered when the lives of nonhuman organic and inorganic things and forces dramatically entered the wider consciousness of medieval studies, but I can't pull that off without some panel proposals to get the conversation started. Remember, you don't need to line up anyone to speak in your panel (a call for papers this spring will do that work for you), and anyone can suggest a panel. You don't need to have already published work in the area; an interest in instigation is all it takes. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.


  1. Jeffrey: I would be very interested in proposing a panel for NCS 2012 for the "Ecologies" thread; am I allowed to do with a grad. student [at NYU]? In other words, can a PhD student be listed as a panel organizer alongside a professor?

  2. This is NCS, not the SAA. My understanding is that ANYONE can propose or participate in a panel, regardless of rank or degree held. Which is as it should be.


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