Monday, April 11, 2011

some good news

by J J Cohen

While I was in Chicago giving a paper at Northwestern, this announcement was made. You'll see a familiar name under "C." I was stunned to learn of the selection last month, and was asked to keep it quiet until the press release went out. The foundation also prints the names of award recipients in the New York Times. When it came out Thursday I told my dad to buy a copy and turn to page A8 ... which he did, and I think for the first time realized that obscure medieval studies does sometimes make the news.


  1. Wow! Hey, congratulations! Medievalists, represent!

  2. What a beautiful sight that list is! Medieval rocks (ha ha)!

  3. Miriamne2:17 PM

    Mazel Tov. May you get the chance to come across a rock like Sylvester! (I am thinking of "Sylvester and the Magic Stone"--one of the many really cool books I get to read during these early years).

  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Wow, many congratulations!

  5. Rock ON. That is truly fabulous, Jeffrey. And now it is your sacred duty to hold a seminar on grantsmanship (and general fabulousness) at Kalamazoo. In whatever room we can find where martinis are served.


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