Monday, May 26, 2014

Some medieval blogs for your Monday reading

a superfluous picture I took of the ocean
by J J Cohen

And they say blogging is dead. A sampling of the medieval blogosphere's vitality, with an emphasis on new blogs:

What am I missing?


  1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Jeffrey-- and for the plug for a very new (just days old!)adventure. I also want to let you, Karl, Mary Kate, Eileen, Jonathan, and all the many guest posters know that In the Middle has been my main inspiration in starting Terri-Stories. It is wonderful to temporarily escape the limitations of rarified, purely academic writing, and to imagine addressing myself to larger, more varied publics. I've been often inspired by In the Middle, and I hope I can contribute even a tiny fraction of such engagement with readers.

  2. Bale's blog is just outstanding. Thank you for including me on the list and, in general, for being a key node in the network of online medievalists.

  3. @Randy and @David: So happy that Jeffrey has written this post and is showcasing your work alongside that of the other bloggers listed above; I think it's great that ITM continues to address varied audiences and can also help point readers to other exciting blogs out there (including brand new ones!).

    I just thought of another blog of note: Anna Smol's blog "A Single Leaf," which offers a very a useful grand collation of post-Kalamazoo write-ups (including many of the blogs noted in Jeffrey's post). I notice that she's been updating the list periodically as new things appear in the blogosphere:

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Thank you for this post and thanks to Jonathan for mentioning my collection of Kzoo write-ups. In compiling my list I discovered Yvonne Seale's blog, Furta Sacra, which I think is worth following:

  5. @annasmol: Your collection of Kzoo write-ups is great, and thanks for noting Yvonne Seale's blog too!

  6. First of all: Thanks for telling about those great blogs. We'll gladly add them to our blogroll.

    Secondly: "What am I missing?" Maybe us, a medieval studies blog called "Mittelalter. Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte". We publish for instance presentations of ongoing and finished research projects in our "1000 Words (of) Research / 1000 Worte Forschung", short or longer articles ("Opuscula"), translations of medieval latin texts, review digests etc., in English, German, French:

    http// @mittelalterblog


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