The Tiny Shriner has, much to his secret pleasure, been used as a princess in peril. At one point I believe he was being married to my Hawaiian tiki idol. She exhausted herself on my bungee cord chair before growing weary of what small amusement an English Department can offer. Above is a picture of Kid #2 in all her glory, pounding away on an office computer and wearing a court jester's hat (not mine; and no, I do not know why the English Department keeps one in stock; also, note that the little orbs that decorate the chapeau actually light up and flash).
Okay--that picture is way beyond cute. Way beyond. The word "impish" leaps to mind.
Thanks -- impish is quite the proper descriptor for her!
mischevious works too... very cute
Well, it's good when the distractions are that kind!
The office will feel lonely when I return to it without her on Thursday. What I really like about little kids is how they make the ordinary new. I walk by the fountains at the World Bank almost every day, for example, and barely glance at them ... but for Katherine they were a tactile experience that she couldn't get enough of (especially as she "painted" my pant leg with watermarks). And aren't we all about the wonder as medievalists?
here! here!
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